The last couple years the buzz around the country about same sex marriage has been huge; even though this topic is often surrounded by much controversy, it is very important. The problem is that we are a country primarily based on freedom and taking away an individuals right to marry is taking away a freedom. I propose that same sex marriage be made legal.
The hype around the passing of Proposition 8 in California has been huge. The clause would allow the California Constitution to state that “Only marriage between a man and a woman is valid or recognized in California” After the passing of the clause on November 5, 2008 the hype about same sex marriage was intensified. Supporters of the clause argued religion, education, adoption, and tax rights. People against the clause argued equality and unfair treatment, and financial and tax privileges.
First I will talk about the opponent’s arguments. Education. The argument is that if the law proposition 8 is passed that educational institutions will have to teach that same sex marriage is indeed normal and acceptable, and is in every way equal as traditional marriage between a male and female.Adoption. If Proposition 8 is not passed adoption agencies would be forced to serve all same sex couples. Religion. Clergymen and religious people argue from the Bible stating that the foundations of marriage are based solely on a man and a woman. Also, they are worried that religious sects may be accused of hate crimes if they reject or choose to not allow a same sex couple to hold ceremonies in their buildings. Tax Rights: Some religious institutions are worried that they will lose their tax exemption status. Also there are concerns that there will be people that take advantage of the tax benefits that married couples receive.
Here are the weak points in those arguments. Education. In an ever increasing dynamic country, we should educate our children on all things. In order to have well rounded, un-sheltered children that are ready for every issue and topic, we need to teach them, or introduce them to it. I do not believe that it is any schools responsibility or feel its necessary to teach “right” or “wrong” concerning this topic. But, presenting that there are same sex couples and that marriage is a union and partnership formed between two people is just stating and teaching a fact, and better preparing children for the world that is around them.
Adoption: Denying a same sex couple the opportunity to raise a child is unfair, and infringes on those couples constitutional rights. There are many same sex couples that are more fortunate than heterosexual couples and can provide a life and environment that would be wonderful for a child. Using this as a reason for why someone should not be allowed to adopt a child is like saying that all single parent children are less likely to succeed. These statistics do not take every couple or situation into account. Same sex couples should be treated equally.
Religion: A very sensitive topic for many people. Stating or basing a decision off of the Bible alone is ludicrous. If we were to live by every law or commandment that was stated in the Bible we would be sacrificing animals and getting executed for almost everything. In DEUTERONOMY 22:13-21 it says: "If it is discovered that a bride is not a virgin, the Bible demands that she be executed by stoning immediately." In LEVITICUS 18:19 "The Bible forbids a married couple from having sexual intercourse during a woman's period. If they disobey, both shall be executed." There are many things that are outdated in the Bible, and no longer apply to times today and to the way that we live our lives. There are so many things that we don't follow suit in the Bible that it is ridiculous to hold on to one passage that says that a marriage should be strictly between a woman and a man and not hold on to hundreds of other passages that require us to do equally ridiculous things. You cannot argue that the book is legitimately true and perfect when you don't follow every aspect.
The most recent controversy concerning religion is when the LDS church leader Boyd K. Packer announced in their annual meeting “General Conference” that living and practicing a gay or homosexual lifestyle is “immoral and evil”. The feedback from these statements has been heavy. Many homosexuals in Utah are outraged. Along with church members that do not agree with the words or new findings of the church concerning this topic. There is a scheduled protest October 7th regarding this particular topic. Adam (Eric) Pride in Utah Blog, Entry 1 & 2.
I recently interviewed a homosexual male to get a little bit more back story behind the reasons why same sex marriage is so important to him. His name is Jaymes Myers; he is currently a teacher at the University of Utah and Salt Lake Community College. This is what he said:
“When the government withholds same sex marriage as an option for homosexual men and woman, not only are they infringing on our constitutional rights, but there are many other things that are affected by that decision. For example; currently legislation has it set up that if a loved one, or a partner in this case, is ill or sick in the hospital only family members are able to see or attend to that person. Because that is the current rule, no same sex partnership qualifies. This is a ripple effect that spans farther than just freedom. It affects or everyday lives, and relationships.”
In 1996 the federal government passed DOMA or the Federal Defense of Marriage Act, that states that a marriage is to be recognized between a man and a woman, and that another state does not need to recognize or uphold a same sex marriage. Setting this organization in place protected many opponents beliefs and standards.
Same sex marriage is not a new topic, it has been around for years. But, because of the hype around proposition 8 in California it has brought new light to the situation and made many more people aware.
"This is a day of immensely conflicted feelings. We are profoundly disappointed the court has upheld Proposition 8. Banning the fundamental freedom to marry for same-sex couples is unfair, unjust and flies in the face of progress occurring throughout the country, from the Iowa heartland to the rocky shores of Maine. That California is taking a step backward at this moment in history is disconcertingly out of step with society's growing support for equality, and personally painful to committed couples who will be blocked from marrying in California. It is a travesty that the court has, for the first time in California history, permitted a simple majority to use the initiative process to strip a fundamental right from a minority group." As quoted by Rea Carey, Executive Director of the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force.Best Quotes of Prop 8 by Michael A Jones. Para 2.
Understanding the reason behind opponents wanting to ban same sex marriage is not the issue. Understanding why those reasons outweigh constitutional rights when we are a country primarily based on freedom is.
Getting each state to pass same sex marriage would be no easy task, however it is obtainable. The first step to be made is to campaign, to educate people on the rights of individuals. I would say that most people are ignorant in knowing the details that are in sex marriage and that it spans far greater than just a homosexual relationship. I would educate people that it is a far deeper situation. The points I would highlight are:
The Declaration of Independence: “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness.” Thomas Jeffereson, Declaration of Indepenence.
The very foundation that we are built upon states that all men should be given certain rights and remain equal. I would argue that a heterosexual relationship is no different than a homosexual relationship if you look at it strictly by that point. I would then argue the separation of church from state. In the first amendment it states:
“Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.” United States Constitution, Amendment 1.
Thomas Jefferson said: “ The clause against establishment of religion by law was intended to erect a wall of separation between church and state."
This being the case the reasons soley behind why a same sex partnership should not be allowed to marry are irrelevant.
(continue with facts and statements supporting clause)
(go into cost analysis for campaign/bill)
(explain how long it will take to pass)
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