Tuesday, November 9, 2010

The Pitch

Hi, I'm Stephanie Suarez. I'm a student at Salt Lake Community College. I go to the South City Campus.

Recently, I was walking through the halls after a class and all of a sudden felt a rumble in the pit of my stomach. I realized something, I was hungry. I started scavenging the campus for a good place to eat and came to the conclusion that there was no good place to eat. Only a dinky express store that offered only minimal items. I propose to you today that we add more choice and availability for food at the South city campus.

Giving the students more options for food choices would offer many benefits to the campus.

1. It would allow for students to stay on campus for food rather than venturing off campus, thus bringing money in.
2. It would satisfy current students looking for variety and give South City an edge over other campus's
3. It would appeal to future SLCC students and boost enrollment rates.
4. It would also offer jobs to SLCC students

The initial cost of this project might be great. However, due to the need and demand I am confident that the school would make it's money back in no time. Fund raising can be done, and we can also look into the schools annual budget.

I end this proposal by saying that all of us have felt the rumbling at the bottom of our stomachs at some point or another. Help South City Campus students end that rumbling, and make more food options available.

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