1. Gay Marriage-- Many states have passed and reneged on the very popular and controversial proposition 8
Angles-- Can any two same sex people get married for tax advantages? Gay Rights.
Immigration -- Workforce services releasing information about immigrants located in Utah.
Angles-- Should workforce services be withholding this information? Privacy & Security in different government services, who actually is viewing and has access to personal information?
Polygamy-- Religious sect FLDS leader being sentenced
Angles-- Should polygamy be illegal? What social and emotional damage does this cause to children and wifes affected by it?
Use of the substance "Spice"-- Utah county has recently passed a law that prohibits anyone from using spice to get "high" in the canyons of utah county.
Angles-- What boundaries will be crossed in trying to find out if a person is "high"? Will this new fad be outlawed much like peyote?
EPortfolios-- New system set up by Salt Lake Community College to provide future students with an accumulation of "general studies"
Angles--Is this a complete waste of time? What does any student actually learn from this? What job would actually look at an eportfolio in an interview?
2. Gay marriage is a highly controversial topic in the United States today. Over the last decade it has become something that is seen in the news everyday. Proposition 8 has been something that many states have been passing and "unpassing" over the last couple years, and it's intriguing to me to see the reasons behind either the passing of the law or the denial.
We live in a country that is based primarily on freedom. We pride ourselves to be a country that practices freedom of religion, freedom of speech, freedom, freedom, freedom. It seems as if on this topic freedom is not free.
Who is the person that gets to say: "Because I believe it is morally incorrect, no marriage is not allowed" that in itself seems to be a hypocritical statement. You are free to do what you would like but you are not free to get married.
3. In a country that is based primarily off of free will, it seems as if the topic gay marriage proves that freedom is only free under the right circumstances.
4. I think a position paper would be the best Genre for this topic.
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